Balloon Litter Bill for 2020

Local Girl Scouts push to make Balloon Litter outdoors illegal.
Consequence: No fines; just pick up litter.
It's about the drastic decline of birds, and balloons harm farm animals too.
If you release balloons indoors, it's okay because the litter can be picked up.
I'll drop the bill Fri.

"Animals are awesome and we shouldn’t live in a world without animals.” - Scout Amber who wrote me a letter that started this bill.

She and all the girls in her troop are great advocates for a healthy environment.
😓We have also learned that for people with severe allergies to latex, balloons are a danger-- even in the air near an allergic person.

🐦🦅🦆🐦You've heard about the drastic loss of birds. In North America, bird populations have declined by nearly 30% since 1970. Balloons are the most lethal kind of plastic that birds consume.
🐄🐃🐂Birds - like turtles, big horn sheep, and cattle-- think the balloon litter is food. They eat them or get tangled in the strings  


"Animals are awesome and we shouldn’t live in a world without animals.” - Scout Amber who wrote me a letter that started this bill.

She and all the girls in her troop are great advocates for a healthy environment.
😓We have also learned that for people with severe allergies to latex, balloons are a danger-- even in the air near an allergic person.

🐦🦅🦆🐦You've heard about the drastic loss of birds. In North America, bird populations have declined by nearly 30% since 1970. Balloons are the most lethal kind of plastic that birds consume.
🐄🐃🐂Birds - like turtles, big horn sheep, and cattle-- think the balloon litter is food. They eat them or get tangled in the strings and die.

This bill is intended to raise awareness so people can make informed choices about their celebrations.

Alternatives from the girl scouts:
* toss flower petals🌼
* plant a tree as a memorial🌳
* toss colored balls - and pick them up so there is no litter.
* fly kites! 😃

Nobody likes litter. So let's avoid it and make the world safer for our feathered and furry friends.


Bird Population Decline report from CBS News:  

From American Bird Conservancy:   

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